Sick or injured? Learn how to get the right level of care fast.
There are an estimated 139 million emergency department visits annually1 and, according to one report, almost two-thirds of visits are non-urgent.2 It may be your first instinct to head to the emergency room when you or a loved one is sick or injured, but that actually may not be your best option — it could cost you unnecessary time and money.
In most cases, you can get the right care via urgent care, telehealth or even your primary care physician (PCP) without waiting hours or paying more. Our resources below can help you understand which option may be right for you based on your symptoms and treatment needs.
Get to know your care options.
Click the care option to view typical wait times, costs, and available treatments for each.Typical scheduling wait time: 1 week
Standard Option Cost: $10 copay for premium Designated Primary Care Provider (PCP); $35 copay for Non-Premium Designated PCP
High Option Cost: $15 copay
Treatment: Preventive services and vaccinations; medical problems or symptoms that are not an immediate or serious threat; ongoing medical care for a chronic condition
Typical wait time: A few minutes
Standard Option Cost: $0 copay for Doctor On Demand for first five visits, $10 copay after fifth visit; $10 copay for Premium Designated PCP; $35 copay for Non-Premium Designated PCP
High Option Cost: $0 copay for Doctor On Demand and in-network primary care provider
Treatment: Cold/flu; fever; sore throat; allergies; diarrhea/vomiting; rashes; urinary tract infections
Pre-register for our telehealth service, Doctor On Demand, below.
Typical wait time: 15 minutes
Standard Option Cost: $35 copay for in-network clinics
High Option Cost: $15 copay for in-network clinics
Treatment: Cold/flu; sinus infection; allergies; vaccinations or screenings; minor sprains, burns or rashes; headaches or sore throats; ear infections
To find a retail or convenient care clinic, like CVS or Walgreens, use our provider directory by clicking the button below and following these steps:
- Click View Providers
- Select the Places category
- Next, choose Clinics
- Finally, click Convenience Clinic
Typical wait time: 20 – 30 minutes
Standard Option Cost: $50 copay for in-network outpatient care, waived if admitted
High Option Cost: $35 copay for in-network outpatient care, waived if admitted
Treatment: Cold/flu; sore throat; infections; rashes; sprains and strains; minor broken bones or cuts; mild asthma attacks; earaches
Typical wait time: 3 to 12 hours for a non-critical case
Standard Option Cost: $500 copay*, waived if admitted to the hospital
High Option Cost: 10% of the Plan Allowance*, waived if admitted to the hospital
Treatment: Urgent, acute and life-threatening conditions; sudden change in vision; sudden weakness or trouble talking; large, open wounds; difficulty breathing; severe head injuries; heavy bleeding; spinal injuries; chest pain; major burns; major broken bones
*Note: There may be additional costs associated with your visit for services such as x-ray, laboratory, pathology and machine diagnostic tests, which are paid under the appropriate Plan benefit.