You can now find your 2024 Form 1095-B in your myCompass account.

Retiree Benefit

Retirees who were UBLIC G-29297-0 or GLU-414 policyholders are eligible to receive a predetermined benefit provided through Compass Rose Benefits Group at no cost, known as the Retiree Benefit.

Compass Rose Benefits Group Retiree Benefit Coverage Amounts:
Years of Participation Percentage of Active Life Amount Coverage Not to Exceed (at age 60)*
5 to 9 years 10% $5,000
10 to 14 years 20% $10,000
15 or more years 30% $15,000

* Benefit is reduced by 50% when retirees reach age 70.

To file a claim, download and complete the claim form and W9 found below. Mail these completed documents along with a copy of the UBLIC Policy G-29297-0 Retiree Benefit Certificate and a copy of the death certificate to:

11490 Commerce Park Drive
Suite 220
Reston, VA 20191

Update Your Beneficiary(ies)

Your beneficiaries receive the proceeds from your Retiree Benefit should something happen to you, so it is important to keep this information up-to-date. You can name as many beneficiaries as you would like. If you have multiple beneficiaries, you must choose percentage amounts to distribute, which must equal a total of 100%. Complete and mail back our beneficiary form below.


For details about your policy and coverage, please refer to your certificate of insurance or contact us.

UBLIC policy G-29297-0 is no longer offered by Compass Rose Benefits Group (CRBG). Policyholders were given the opportunity to convert their policy to WAEPA effective May 1, 2023. As a courtesy, Compass Rose Benefits Group agreed to still honor the Retiree Benefit policyholders would have received, provided they had an active policy with CRBG as of April 30, 2023.