
man getting into car

Most of us have been driving since our teenage years and dread the day we can no longer drive. How are we going to go to the store or get to my doctor’s appointment? Understanding transportation options before you need them is very important.

There are three basic options for reliable transportation:

  • Family and Friends: The best option, if possible.
  • Local Volunteers: If you are part of a Village (explained in the housing resource section), transportation may be a service that is provided. Some religious organizations also offer transportation, especially for medical appointments. Your county or city may have transportation services available to you as well.
  • Paid Services: Taxis, Uber and some county or city options that are not free are also of consideration.

Below are some county transportation services to look into:

If your county is not listed or you need help finding reliable transportation, contact our Aging Well Resource Coordinator.

Get Started

The resources on our site are a good starting point to help develop your aging well plan. Everyone’s needs are unique — that is why we have people you can talk with regarding your individual goals.